
Number of Games Added
Games Added by si_sp
TitleTypeParticipantsMin ParticipantsMax ParticipantsLeadersMin LeadersMax LeadersAgesMin AgeMax AgeTimeMin TimeMax Time
Sound EffectsDrama, Just for Fun5 to 10510AnyAny age5 minutes to 10 minutes510
Mornington CrescentTrust Building5 to 10510AnyAny ageAt least 4 hours240
BadgersTzevet KefAnyAnyAny ageAny
Hidden AgendasJust for FunAnyAnyAny ageAny
Kiss KissTzevet Kef20 to 302030Any18 or older1820 minutes to 30 minutes2030
Human CroquetSport10 to 201020AnyAny age5 minutes to 10 minutes510
PsychoanalysisEducational, Just for Fun5 to 10510Any15 or older15Any
Adjective/nounJust for Fun, Tzevet Kef10 to 201020Any10 or older1020 minutes to 30 minutes2030
Space QuestOther30 to 4030406 or more610 or older102 hours to 4 hours120240