Edmund's Lorries

How to Play:

One lucky person is selected to become edmund. They must stand out the front and wear a hat (preferably one that is funny because it is bigger than a regular hat). The other candidates must stand in two straight lines facing the front with hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them, like a conga line. One of them becomes the red lorry, the other is the yellow lorry. The game begins when edmund begins to repeat: "red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red..." and so on until they stuff up. There is a judge, whose job it is to adjudicate which colour edmund screwed up on. They will raise a flag of that colout in the air and that lorry is allowed to advance. The Lorry is allowed to go forward one "dada-dada-da-HEY!" (imagine a conga line) they must kick their legs out to the side on the "HEY". The first team to reach edmund and steal his hat is the winner. pretty simple hey?

Quick Info

Time RequiredAny

Age RangeAny age

Number of LeadersAny

Number of ParticipantsAny

Game Types

Get to Know You, Ice Breaker, Just for Fun, Team Building

Game Added By

Game Management