the sticker song

How to Play:

Materials -A stereo, and a CD with the "Sticker Song" by Hadag Nachash. -The translation of the song. -A list of Political bumper stickers and their translations, from Israel (the song), from Canada and other places. Goals To create awareness about the importance, or unimportance of political bumper stickers, and other "wordy" forms of political activity. To create awareness about political issues in Israel, Canada, and other countries,how they relate, or a comparable. Steps 1) Give out Political Israeli Bumper stickers. Explain their meaning in English. 2) Give out political slogans and stickers from other countries-Canada, America, South America etc. 3) Play the "Sticker Song", by Hadag Nachash. Give out the English translation and go through the context of some of the stickers, their meaning etc. Discussion- What is the meaning of this song? What is the band trying to accomplish by putting this song out?-the song is just slogans, one after another. 4) Discuss the importance of political slogans. -Why do these stickers exist, what is their importance? -Is this importance different in Israel compared to the rest of the world (especially in Canada)? -Do these stickers make any difference in Canada? - Do these stickers make any difference in Israel? Conclusion Political Activity takes many forms. How important is this (Stickers) form? How important are words? What other forms of political activity come in the form of words? Are the Issues in Israel translatable into other political arenas?

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Age RangeAny age

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